Conducting research about shorebirds
Researchers capture birds in mist nets and then collect data.
Original Air Date:
Apr 24, 2007
Web Site:
Host Xico Vega introduces the program live from the Bay of Santa Maria in Mexico...
Santa Maria Bay
The Bay of Santa Maria in Mexico is a very important coastal resource for people...
Students explore wetland
Students are doing field work exploring the mudflats and finding out what birds ...
Experts answer questions
Experts at the Bay of Santa Maria in Mexico answer questions about shorebirds, m...
Introduction to Bat Basics
Learn about bats, why they are important in the ecosystem, threats to bats and h...
Myths about bats
Bats are not dirty, blind, or get caught in your hair when they fly. Vampire bat...
Researchers study bats
Researchers study bats to learn about their life history and to protect bats....
Wading into Wetlands Introduction
During the webcast, learn about what a wetland is, types of wetlands, the functi...