Welcome from Gov. Sarah Palin
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin talks about the natural features of Alaska and students review the features of shorebirds.
Original Air Date:
May 10, 2007
Web Site:
Host Xico Vega introduces the program live from the Bay of Santa Maria in Mexico...
Santa Maria Bay
The Bay of Santa Maria in Mexico is a very important coastal resource for people...
Students explore wetland
Students are doing field work exploring the mudflats and finding out what birds ...
Experts answer questions
Experts at the Bay of Santa Maria in Mexico answer questions about shorebirds, m...
Questions and answers
A scientist answers questions from a school in Chicago and Panama about shorebir...
Comments from students
Students from around the country send tweets and post on Facebook with their obs...
Impacts of climate change
The effects of climate change are something that can be observed now, and Kelsey...
Students win award for recycling project
Gwynn Park High School in Prince George’s County, Maryland, won an award for i...
Welcome from Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski talks about the importance of wetlands....