Wetlands provide a vital link between water and land and important benefits to people and the environment. Wetlands help regulate water levels within watersheds; improve water quality; reduce flood and storm damage; provide important fish and wildlife habitat; support fishing and other recreational activities; and provide inspiration. Wetlands are natural wonderlands of great value.
Caminando en los Humedales
Durante el webcast, aprenda sobre los humedales, los tipos de los humedales, las funciones y la importancia de humedales, amenazas para estos ecosistemas, y como podemos ayudar a los humedales.
Descubriendo Humadales
El mes de Mayo es el mes Americano de Humedales. Vamos aprender lo que los estudiantes hacen para aprender sobre, ayudar y engrane en sus humedales locales. Visite el Bosque Nacional Chugach en Alaska, que tiene los humedales contiguos más grandes en la Costa Pacífica de Norteamérica.
Discover Wetlands
May is American Wetlands Month and find out what students are doing to learn about, help, and engage in their local wetlands. Visit the Chugach National Forest in Alaska, which has the largest contiguous wetlands on the Pacific Coast of North America.
Wetland Connections
Birds, fish, and other migratory species don’t recognize state or international borders and need wetlands and habitats located in many states and countries in order to survive. The Bay of Panama is a Wetland of International Importance and millions of migrating birds use the mudflats to rest and refuel. Also, learn about the importance of mangrove swamps (a type of wetland) as a nursery for hammerhead sharks.
Wading Into Wetlands
What exactly is a wetland? How does it function to benefit wildlife and people? During the "Wading into Wetlands" program, we visited some special wetlands to learn about wetland ecology, watersheds, their importance to migrating fish and birds, and much more.